Name: Hitman: Absolution
Developer(s): IO Interactive
Publisher: Square Enix
Genre: Third person shooter, stealth
Players: 1
Online?: Yes (asynchronous)
Platforms: PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Platform used: Playstation 3
It has been a long time since IO Interactive resurrected Agent 47 and unless you count the more polished version of Blood Money onto the Xbox 360 (and we don't) this is the first entry in the series to be made for this current console generation and with the impending launch of the next generation it will probably be the last. Hitman was the IP that IO Interactive was built on and in many gamers their confidence in them may well have been shaken by the promising but flawed Kane & Lynch and it's ridiculously short and disappointing sequel.
It would be worth declaring an interest first of all, we are massive fans of the Hitman series. Personally I have played every version and played them to death so in order to give people a reasonable idea of what to expect I will split this review into two parts (which we will be doing for all ongoing IPs in the future), for the series fan and for someone trying it out for the first time.
Alvin!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Review for the fans:
First off here's an excuse to just stop reading, if you have been looking forward to a new Hitman game I don't think you will be disappointed.
The game takes the tried and tested formula of and adds a few modern twists that bring the series up to date. The new graphics engine looks fantastic, the rag doll physics is less hilarious, the throwing objects for distractions is smoother, the NPC interactions are improved, the dark humour is still there (if a little diluted) and the shooting is more satisfying.
If you have been concerned by the Assassin's Creed style "Instinct Mode" then you can rest easy. In the easier difficulties it works as a hint system, highlighting relevant NPCs, targets or objects as well as highlighting objectives and offering clues ("you could drug his coffee" for example). In all but the hardest difficulty (which strips everything out including the HDD) the "Instinct Mode" allows you to avoid eye contact with NPCs who would be suspicious of that bald guy in Gary's clothes who just walked by. This is a finite resource which regenerates in time, is regenerated by certain actions (i.e. subduing a guard and stashing his body) or not at all depending on your difficulty.
As you would expect the higher the level the guards become more numerous and more alert depending on the difficulty. The different difficulty levels also follows on the tradition of changing the ability to save, the first three levels allow you to activate checkpoints that saves your progress (gone are the number of hard saves you can make) and the top two leave you on your own, as you would expect you are expected to play the level through in one run or not at all.
"Whoops, um, this officer? This is for gutting fish, here let me give you a closer look" |
One enhancement to the mechanics cribbed directly from another Eidos IP Deus Ex: Human Revolution, namely the cover based stealth system, allowing you to stick to cover and quickly switch from one piece of cover to another which fits well, it shouldn't all be "knock out/kill someone, steal their clothes, hide the body, walk somewhere, rinse and repeat."
It's not all good news. Depending on how you look at it the campaign is less of a Hitman game than previous instalments and more of a progressive narrative. Previous games had you performing hit after hit with your signature arsenal leading up to an impending final boss, the story was always something of a secondary thing.
*Minor Spoiler Alert* After the prologue you are on the run from the agency and you need to give up everything but your filament wire which may make you feel a bit cheated by the narrative, however there is something of a moment of cheer when you are reunited with your beloved Silverballers. Also not every mission contains a hit, for example the second mission after the prologue is entirely an infiltration mission with the follow up being a long escape from the bungled hit. It is clear that the logic behind this was that as a single mission it would be too challenging on the higher difficulties so early in the game but you can be forgiven for feeling pissed off at infiltrating the building, finding the targets room, crawling into a vent and the screen going black, mission over. What?!?
"Hello? Police? There has been a terrible accident......" |
The real joy of this game comes from the Contracts mode. This gives you free reign to pick a level, target up to 3 NPCs as targets, set conditions, make the kill and send it off to your friends list and challenge them to match your skills. This isn't just limited to your friends list, IO create their own as well as they have stated that they will pick the best public Contract challenges and make them accessible to everyone with full leaderboards. Anybody who is a fan of the series remembers comparing their best run-throughs of certain maps with their friends, now you can go one better with what some have dubbed a deadly game of HORSE "I've just killed those three people with a single shot from a sniper rifle and escaped whilst dressed as a chicken, try topping that!"
I have heard some people going on about the basic character of 47 has been changed, that he has all of a sudden grown a conscience. I'm not sure that's the case, I remember his church gardener days from Hitman 2. Like all psychopathic people he is may appear cold to the outside but through the centre is an almost sickening streak of sentimentality for anything they identify themselves with most when the time comes to make a decision. In my opinion 47 has never been a hero and isn't a hero here.
Ultimately there is nothing here to put off a hardcore fan, everything I love about this series is retained and in most cases enhanced, although the single player campaign is more story at the expense of fun missions the Contracts mode makes up for that and gives this title the longevity to be played for years to come.
Review for the First Timers
If you have never played this series you may well be wondering what the fuss is all about. Hitman was one of the first games to ever use rag doll physics back in 2000 and it's open level design was made the series a true evolution in gaming and joined Metal Gear Solid as iconic tactical action game. It's hallmarks of being able to steal NPC costumes (and in later instalments stashing their bodies in containers), creative ways to kill your targets and lots of black humour stood it in good stead and all of these are retained in the original.
There are some things that this game has that flies in the face of what you might expect when measured against it's counterparts on the market. The game is not designed to be forgiving, you should expect to reload games from the optional checkpoints (not available on the harder levels and there is no option to save) or from the very beginning often. It is designed to be a stealth game not a flowing action narrative. Sure, you can treat it as a cover based shooter but expect to have your ass kicked if you do and you won't experience any of the best the game has to offer.
Agent 47 - The cheerful life and soul of any party |
The AI is more advanced than many stealth games, you will find yourself changing your costume often in order to move from one area to the next, I have seen reviews where they expressed frustration where they dressed up as say a police officer then complained that you were spotted by the other police when they were blending in. I don't know what your initial reaction was to reading that but if it was "that's bullshit, in Assassin's Creed I can stand with monks and I am invisible" then take a second to think, these characters are designed to be on the look out for intruders, you waltz up dressed in the clothes that belong to someone they know, of course they will be suspicious whilst unrelated NPCs will ignore you. As an example one of the early levels you have hotel guests, hotel maintenance, electrical contractors, hotel management, maids and mercenaries. If you are a mercenary everyone in the hotel will treat you like the armed thug you are and let you walk about however you like, however come too close to another mercenary and they will know pretty quick that you have Steve's shirt on and he doesn't remember working with a bald guy and will get suspicious, if you don't get out his line of sight pretty quick he will follow you, blow your cover then try to catch you then sound the alarm (depending on the type of NPC they will start shooting).
The game is designed to be played tactically, you have multiple routes and multiple methods. The difficulty levels are designed to ease you into the way of playing the game. The "Instinct Mode" which feels a lot like Assassin's Creed's "Eagle Vision" or Batman's "Detective Mode", in the easier difficulties it will show you what you can interact with, where your target is and where the guards are and their path through the map, as you go up the difficulties the access and functions of this mode get disabled until all you have is the finite ability to turn your head away to avoid suspicious glances. The game is also designed to be played over and over in different ways which is why the accumulated level bonuses are sometimes contradictory e.g. go through the whole mission in your suit and wear X costumes or multiple ways of dispatching your targets.
Keith Carradine plays the main antagonist (not pictured) clearly unconvinced by David's "suicide" he hires a look alike to go out for revenge with his gimp and blind sidekick |
For multiplayer rather than going for PvP deathmatches they have developed a Contracts mode. This allows you to pick any campaign mission, select up to three NPCs and execute them however you like, you can then set this up as a challenge to your friends to complete your challenge with the conditions you set. It has a build in bullshit detector, by which I mean that you need to have completed the challenge yourself before you can post it so the only limit to the difficulty is your own ability. As well as this there are some developer created challenges and they will be selecting the best from the community and providing them for public play with global leaderboards.
This game has a lot to offer but requires a little commitment to get used to the play style but when you can walk in, dispatch your target with everyone thinking there has been some kind of terrible accident you are playing the game the way it is designed to be played. That said there are lots of ways in between, to achieve the Silent Assassin award in each mission you need to be a ghost who facilitates tragedy but that doesn't stop you being able to find a nice vantage point and shoot your target in the head and escape in the confusion or execute every guard you find. All of these are ways to play but ultimately the game rewards you for playing like a cold professional killer not a maniac, collateral damage gets in the way of getting your job done.
Latex clad murderous nuns because.........um..........no we don't really know either but we do know it has and will continue to piss some people off |
Ultimately this isn't a traditional shooting game nor is it at all like Assassin's Creed which people will be comparing it to. The missions are fairly short puzzles with multiple solutions and you are encouraged to take your time and experiment, the excitement comes from the tension not the violence. If you are looking for a fast paced action driven game that you can blow through and move on to the next one you should look elsewhere, otherwise this title belongs in your collection.
DLC, Online Passes and DRM
There is no DRM on this title, which is always good news. There is an online pass which had stuck in our throat until they relented and made it
free for all to download which earned this title
GAA status. There are a number of fairly inexpensive outfits and weapons that were available as pre-orders from different retailers. This is a real negative for us, the idea of store specific pre-order DLC is really irritating, it is a cheap commercial trick to force you to use a certain retailer and also to force pre-order over day 1 or later purchases. Thankfully unlike the Resident Evil 6 different challenge maps or the Robin DLC for Arkham City these costumes are fairy innocuous and don't really affect the game in any meaningful way and has been overshadowed to us by essentially removing the online pass by making it free to all.
- Stunning visuals
- Great music and voice-overs
- Huge replay value
- Wide range of gameplay options from casual to hardcore
- Creative and satisfying online mode
- Murdering a gangster with Fugu poisoned cocaine
- Free online pass
- I almost forgot Kane and Lynch 2 existed
- Campaign too heavy in story at a cost of entertaining assassination levels (it feels a bit like you start part-way into the game, especially if new to the series)
- Missed opportunity to include older missions into Contracts mode (A New Life or A Dance With the Devil from 2006's Blood Money would be favourites)
- Huge numbers of NPCs and graphical details limits level maps to smaller than previous titles
- Latex-clad killer nuns and some of the other darkly comic overtones are a shade too subtle and could be misrepresented as misogynistic
- Retailer specific DLC
- Having to wait 6 years for it
Overall: Great, an essential buy for anyone who is a fan of the IP or the stealth action genre and a strong recommendation to anyone else. If undecided as the online pass is free you might want to consider renting first to get a feel for how you like our murderous baldy clone friend.